今日、3月13日、ヒューマンライツ・ナウなどの呼びかけで、「福島の原発事故により影響を受けた女性、子どもなどの 健康の権利を守るために即時の行動の呼びかけ」がありました。
●Experts Call for immediate action to protest the right to Health of Women,Children and others affected by the Nuclear accident in Fukushima
Since the March 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, individuals and communities in Japan continue to be exposed to dangerous levels of radioactivity. There are serious concerns about consequent health effects for pregnant women, mothers, children and others in contaminated areas. Residents have a right to live in a safe and healthy environment, however, sufficient protective measures and support are not being provided. The right to access medical treatment and the medical data about one's own body are being seriously denied.
A human rights expert from Japan, a medical doctor from Japan, and a medical doctor from the U.S. will speak about how the lives and health of local women, children and others in the Fukushima area are being affected after the disaster and what should be done to provide immediate relief. The actions called for in the December 15, 2012 Human Rights Now "Civil Society Statement" to immediately implement the recent recommendations by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health will be highlighted.
●Human Right Nowhttp://hrn.or.jp/eng/activity/area/experts-call-for-immediate-action-to-protect-the-right-to-health-of-women-children-and-others-affect/
●『科学』2012年10月号「放射線教育の問題点-なぜ低線量放射線リスクはわかってないとされるのか」PDF版 崎山比早子
●『科学・社会・人間』2012年4月号「国会東京電力福島原子力発電所事故調査委員会報告書からみる放射線専門家」 崎山比早子
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