昨年の11月日本を訪問し、福島はじめ原発被災者、避難者の現状、また原発労働者の聞き取りに山谷などを調査した、国連人権理事会のインド人弁護士、アナンド・グローバー氏によって今回の日本政府の勧告の中に、原発事故後の健康対策、放射能防御 支援法のすみやかな実施などについてかなりの項目が盛り込まれました。
避難の権利Blog 国連人権委勧告を受けいれて、原発被災者の<生きる権利>を
UN Human Rights Committee hears Dr Anand's recommendations to the Japanese government for upholding right to life
76. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations in the formulation and implementation of its nuclear emergency response system:
特別報告者は、日本政府に対し、原発事故の初期対応 の策定と実施について以下の勧告を実施するよう求める。
(a) Establish regularly updated emergency response plans that clearly demarcate the command structures and specify evacuation zones, evacuation centres, and provide guidelines for assisting vulnerable groups;
原発事故の初期対応計画を確立し不断に見直すこと。対応に関する 指揮命令系統を明確化し、避難地域と避難場所を特定し、脆弱な立 場にある人を助けるガイドラインを策定すること
(b) Communicate disaster management plans, including response and evacuation measures, to residents of areas likely to be affected by a nuclear accident;
原発事故の影響を受ける危険性のある地域の住民と、事故対応やと るべき措置を含む災害対応について協議すること
(c) Release disaster-related information to the public as soon as a nuclear accident occurs;
(d) Distribute promptly iodine prophylaxis before or as soon as the accident occurs;
(e) Provide for prompt and effective usage of such technology as SPEEDI in gathering and disseminating information on affected areas;
影響を受ける地域に関する情報を集め、広めるために、Spee diのような技術を早期にかつ効果的に提供すること
77. With respect to health monitoring of the affected population, the Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations:
原発事故の影響を受けた人々に対する健康調査について、特別 報告者は日本政府に対し以下の勧告を実施するよう求める。
(a) Continue monitoring the impact of radiation on the health of affected persons through holistic and comprehensive screening for a considerable length of time and make appropriate treatment available to those in need;
全般的・包括的な検査方法を長期間実施するとともに、必要な場合 は適切な処置・治療を行うことを通じて、放射能の健康影響を継続 的にモニタリングすること
(b) The health management survey should be provided to persons residing in all affected areas with radiation exposure higher than 1 mSv/year;
1mSv以上の地域に居住する人々に対し、健康管理調査を実施す ること
(c) Ensure greater participation and higher response rates in all health surveys;
すべての健康管理調査を多くの人が受け、調査の回答率を高めるよ うにすること
(d) Ensure that the basic health management survey includes information on the specific health condition of individuals and other factors that may exacerbate the effect of radiation exposure on their health;
「基本調査」には、個人の健康状態に関する状態と、被曝の健康影 響を悪化させる要素を含めて調査がされるようにすること
(e) Avoid limiting the health check-up for children to thyroid checks and extend check-ups for all possible health effects, including urine and blood tests;
甲状腺検査は子どもに限らず実施し、血液・尿検査を含むすべての 健康影響に関する調査に拡大すること
(f) Make follow-up and secondary examination for children’s thyroid check-up available to all requesting children and parents;
甲状腺検査のフォローアップと二次検査を、親や子が希望するすべ てのケースで実施すること
(g) Simplify children’s and their parents’ access to information regarding their test results, while ensuring the protection of private information;
個人情報を保護しつつも、検査結果に関わる情報への子どもと親の アクセスを容易なものにすること
(h) Refrain from restricting examination for internal exposure to whole-body counters and provide it to all affected population including residents, evacuees, and to persons outside Fukushima prefecture;
ホールボディカウンターによる内部被ばく検査対象を限定すること なく、住民、避難者、福島県外の住民等影響を受けるすべての人口 に対して実施すること
(i) Ensure mental health facilities, goods and services are available to all evacuees and residents, especially vulnerable groups such as older persons, children and pregnant women;
避難している住民、特に高齢者、子ども、女性に対して、心理的ケ アを受けることのできる施設、避難先でのサービスや必要品の提供 を確保すること
(j) Monitor the health effects of radiation on nuclear plant workers and provide necessary treatment.
78. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations regarding policies and information on radiation dose
特別報告者は、日本政府に対し、放射線量に関連する政策・情 報提供に関し、以下の勧告を実施するよう求める。
(a) Formulate a national plan on evacuation zones and dose limits of radiation by using current scientific evidence, based on human rights rather than on a risk-benefit analysis, and reduce the radiation dose to less than 1mSv/year;
避難地域・公衆の被ばく限度に関する国としての計画を、科学的な 証拠に基づき、リスク対経済効果の立場ではなく、人権に基礎をお いて策定し、公衆の被ばくを年間1mSv以下に低減するようにす ること
(b) Provide, in schoolbooks and materials, accurate information about the risk of radiation exposure and the increased vulnerability of children to radiation exposure;
放射線の危険性と、子どもは被曝に対して特に脆弱な立場にある事 実について、学校教材等で正確な情報を提供すること
(c) Incorporate validated independent data, including that from the communities, to monitor radiation levels.
放射線量のレベルについて、独立した有効性の高いデータを取り 入れ、そのなかには住民による独自の測定結果も取り入れること
79. Regarding decontamination, the Special Rapporteur urges the Government to adopt the following recommendations:
除染について特別報告者は、日本政府に対し、以下の勧告を採用 するよう求める
(a) Formulate urgently a clear, time-bound plan to reduce radiation levels to less than 1mSv/year;
年間1mSv以下の放射線レベルに下げるよう、時間目標を明確に 定めた計画を早急に策定すること
(b) Clearly mark sites where radioactive debris is stored;
(c) Provide, with the participation of the community, safe and appropriate temporary and final storage facilities for radioactive debris;
安全で適切な中間・最終処分施設の設置を住民参加の議論により決 めること
80. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations regarding transparency and accountability within the regulatory framework:
特別報告者は規制の枠組みのなかでの透明性と説明責任の確保に ついて、日本政府に対し、以下の勧告を実施するよう求める。
(a) Require compliance of the regulatory authority and the nuclear power plant operators with internationally agreed safety standards and guidelines;
(b) 原子力規制行政および原発の運営において、国際的に合意された基 準やガイドラインに遵守するよう求めること
(c) Ensure disclosure by members of the Nuclear Regulation Authority of their association with the nuclear power industry;
原子力規制庁の委員と原子力産業の関連に関する情報を公開するこ と
(d) Make information collected by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, including regulations and compliance of nuclear power plant operators with domestic and international safety standards and guidelines, publicly available for independent monitoring;
原子力規制庁が集めた、国内および国際的な安全基準・ガイドラ インに基づく規制と原発運営側による遵守に関する、原子力規制庁 が集めた情報について、独立したモニタリングが出来るように公開 すること
(e) Ensure that TEPCO and other third parties are held accountable for the nuclear accident and that their liability to pay compensation or reconstruction efforts is not shifted to taxpayers.
原発災害による損害について、東京電力等が責任をとることを確 保し、かつその賠償・復興に関わる法的責任のつけを納税者が支払 うことかないようにすること
81. In relation to compensation and relief, the Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations:
補償や救済措置について、特別報告者は政府に対し以下の勧告 を実施するよう求める
(a) Formulate, with the participation of the affected communities, the implementing framework under the Victims Protection Law;
「子ども被災者支援法」の基本計画を、影響を受けた住民の参加を 確保して策定すること
(b) Include cost of reconstruction and restoration of lives within the relief package;
復興と人々の生活再建のためのコストを支援のパッケージに含める こと
(c) Provide free health check-ups and treatment that may be required for health effects from the nuclear accident and radiation exposure;
原発事故と被曝の影響により生じた可能性のある健康影響について 、無料の健康診断と治療を提供すること
(d) Ensure that compensation claims by affected persons against TEPCO are settled without further delay;
さらなる遅延なく、東京電力に対する損害賠償請求が解決するよう にすること
82. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to ensure effective community participation, especially participation of vulnerable groups, in all aspects of the decision-making processes related to nuclear energy policy and the nuclear regulatory framework, including decisions regarding nuclear power plant operations, evacuation zones, radiation limits, health monitoring and compensation amounts.
特別報告者は、原発の稼働、避難地域の指定、放射線量限界、健 康調査、補償を含む原子力エネルギー政策と原子力規制の枠組みら 関するすべての側面の意思決定プロセスに、住民参加、特に脆弱な 立場のグループが参加するよう、日本政府に求める。Nu
避難の権利Blog 国連人権委勧告を受けいれて、原発被災者の<生きる権利>を
UN Human Rights Committee hears Dr Anand's recommendations to the Japanese government for upholding right to life
76. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations in the formulation and implementation of its nuclear emergency response system:
特別報告者は、日本政府に対し、原発事故の初期対応 の策定と実施について以下の勧告を実施するよう求める。
(a) Establish regularly updated emergency response plans that clearly demarcate the command structures and specify evacuation zones, evacuation centres, and provide guidelines for assisting vulnerable groups;
(b) Communicate disaster management plans, including response and evacuation measures, to residents of areas likely to be affected by a nuclear accident;
(c) Release disaster-related information to the public as soon as a nuclear accident occurs;
(d) Distribute promptly iodine prophylaxis before or as soon as the accident occurs;
(e) Provide for prompt and effective usage of such technology as SPEEDI in gathering and disseminating information on affected areas;
77. With respect to health monitoring of the affected population, the Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations:
(a) Continue monitoring the impact of radiation on the health of affected persons through holistic and comprehensive screening for a considerable length of time and make appropriate treatment available to those in need;
(b) The health management survey should be provided to persons residing in all affected areas with radiation exposure higher than 1 mSv/year;
(c) Ensure greater participation and higher response rates in all health surveys;
(d) Ensure that the basic health management survey includes information on the specific health condition of individuals and other factors that may exacerbate the effect of radiation exposure on their health;
(e) Avoid limiting the health check-up for children to thyroid checks and extend check-ups for all possible health effects, including urine and blood tests;
(f) Make follow-up and secondary examination for children’s thyroid check-up available to all requesting children and parents;
(g) Simplify children’s and their parents’ access to information regarding their test results, while ensuring the protection of private information;
(h) Refrain from restricting examination for internal exposure to whole-body counters and provide it to all affected population including residents, evacuees, and to persons outside Fukushima prefecture;
(i) Ensure mental health facilities, goods and services are available to all evacuees and residents, especially vulnerable groups such as older persons, children and pregnant women;
(j) Monitor the health effects of radiation on nuclear plant workers and provide necessary treatment.
78. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations regarding policies and information on radiation dose
(a) Formulate a national plan on evacuation zones and dose limits of radiation by using current scientific evidence, based on human rights rather than on a risk-benefit analysis, and reduce the radiation dose to less than 1mSv/year;
(b) Provide, in schoolbooks and materials, accurate information about the risk of radiation exposure and the increased vulnerability of children to radiation exposure;
(c) Incorporate validated independent data, including that from the communities, to monitor radiation levels.
79. Regarding decontamination, the Special Rapporteur urges the Government to adopt the following recommendations:
(a) Formulate urgently a clear, time-bound plan to reduce radiation levels to less than 1mSv/year;
(b) Clearly mark sites where radioactive debris is stored;
(c) Provide, with the participation of the community, safe and appropriate temporary and final storage facilities for radioactive debris;
80. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations regarding transparency and accountability within the regulatory framework:
(a) Require compliance of the regulatory authority and the nuclear power plant operators with internationally agreed safety standards and guidelines;
(b) 原子力規制行政および原発の運営において、国際的に合意された基
(c) Ensure disclosure by members of the Nuclear Regulation Authority of their association with the nuclear power industry;
(d) Make information collected by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, including regulations and compliance of nuclear power plant operators with domestic and international safety standards and guidelines, publicly available for independent monitoring;
(e) Ensure that TEPCO and other third parties are held accountable for the nuclear accident and that their liability to pay compensation or reconstruction efforts is not shifted to taxpayers.
81. In relation to compensation and relief, the Special Rapporteur urges the Government to implement the following recommendations:
(a) Formulate, with the participation of the affected communities, the implementing framework under the Victims Protection Law;
(b) Include cost of reconstruction and restoration of lives within the relief package;
(c) Provide free health check-ups and treatment that may be required for health effects from the nuclear accident and radiation exposure;
(d) Ensure that compensation claims by affected persons against TEPCO are settled without further delay;
82. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to ensure effective community participation, especially participation of vulnerable groups, in all aspects of the decision-making processes related to nuclear energy policy and the nuclear regulatory framework, including decisions regarding nuclear power plant operations, evacuation zones, radiation limits, health monitoring and compensation amounts.
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